Want Better Water Pressure?

Especially true with well systems, the water pressure coming out of your fixtures can be less than desirable. While most well pressure tanks are pre-set between 40 and 60 PSI and typical city water pressure is around 45-70 PSI, other factors can limit your water pressure to as little as 15 psi at your faucet. Elevation, length of the water main from the supply, and type of pipe your main is made of can all greatly affect the water pressure.    

After one of our plumbing experts completes a thorough inspection to ensure the main doesn’t have a leak causing the loss in pressure, the option of adding a booster pump to your plumbing system would then be explored. Adding a booster pump to your plumbing system will not only provide the extra water pressure you are looking for, but will also provide that pressure constantly without dropping. 

A booster pump (left, above) increases existing water pressure past the capability of the well head’s pump. A booster requires water to supply the inlet demand of the pump while otherwise operating independently from the pressure tank or city main to produce up to 80PSI from its outlet. A transfer pump (right) can accomplish the same goals with lesser technology with more requirements to function, relying on a pressure tank, electrical wiring, and pressure switch to properly function.

Our plumbers install booster pumps with industry leading edge technology to provide higher water pressure while being easy to maintain and worry free reliability. To accommodate for your larger water demands, the pump has an water cooled internal pump allowing it to run non-stop without damaging the mechanicals. The booster pump provides water pressure up to 80 PSI, the maximum pressure your house should be supplied. Customers love these units primarily due to the easy to use and read screen on the face of the unit and how compact and quiet the pump is. 

Poor water pressure can be fixed easily, quickly, and with a warranty backed guarantee with the installation of a booster pump. Call us today and one of our plumbing professionals will happily fix your water pressure while providing the quality service you deserve.